Synopsis An in depth look at common problems in process applications and ways to control “man-made” problems. We will also explore the different forms of corrosion and ways to control corrosion through proper handling, welding, and installation. 1.5 – 2 hours
Our Corrosion Seminar offers 1.5 continuing education credits from Missouri State University and focuses on:
Five forms of corrosion
General corrosion
Galvanic corrosion: pitting; crevice corrosion
Intergranular corrosion
Stress corrosion cracking
Microbiologically influenced corrosion
Stainless Steel – What is it?
What makes Stainless Stainless
What makes Stainless Steel corrosion resistant
Material Chemistry
Super-Austenitic Steel
Nickel Alloys
Pitting corrosion relationship as a function of Chlorides, pH, Molybdenum content
Material ranking by molybdenum content
Material ranking by PREN* number
Contact us today to at 281-442-2208 to discuss your specific needs, pricing and scheduling.